Nestled in a breathtaking natural setting, the Vermont estate presented an intriguing challenge for our team tasked with its renovation. Originally constructed by a British builder in the late 19th century, this historic property in Mussoorie is among the oldest in the area. It exudes the charm and character of a traditional English cottage while ingeniously incorporating modern amenities to ensure a seamless blend of old-world charm and contemporary comfort.
Situated amidst a lush grove of deodar trees with a commanding view of the snow-covered Himalayan peaks, this revitalized Victorian retreat boasts eleven bedrooms and a spacious family suite. We tried to achieve an inviting ambiance by skillfully employing hardwood as a predominant material, infusing every nook and cranny with a sense of warmth and coziness.
2, Shambhu Dayal Bagh,
Okhla Phase III,
New Delhi – 110020, India
+91-11-26910018 / 26910019
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