“I shall fail in my duty if I do not mention the efforts of young architect Mr. Sachin Sachdev of VYOM. I am yet to meet a better architect than him, though I worked with several top architects from both private and PSUs. In this young age his command on subject, creativity and knowledge on materials is mind boggling.”
“I shall fail in my duty if I do not mention the efforts of young architect Mr. Sachin Sachdev of VYOM. I am yet to meet a better architect than him, though I worked with several top architects from both private and PSUs. In this young age his command on subject, creativity and knowledge on materials is mind boggling.”
“I shall fail in my duty if I do not mention the efforts of young architect Mr. Sachin Sachdev of VYOM. I am yet to meet a better architect than him, though I worked with several top architects from both private and PSUs. In this young age his command on subject, creativity and knowledge on materials is mind boggling.”
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